January 28, 2005
“Memory and History in Jewish Music”
Inaugural Lecture
Professor Kay Kaufman Shelemay
G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music at Harvard University
February 11, 2005
“Studying Jewish Music in Israel: Achievements, Failures and Challenges
for the Future”
Professor Edwin Seroussi
Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Stephen Blum, City University of
New York
March 11, 2005
“Who Will Reclaim the Golden Sounds?: Judaism, Tradition,
and Music Scholarship in an American Context”
Professor Judah M. Cohen
New York University
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
April 8, 2005
“Beyond Yiddishland: New Studies from the
Jewish Musical Mediterranean”
Professor Mark Kligman
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Uri Sharvit, Bar-Ilan University
May 13, 2005
“Between Wissenschaft and Etnografiia: The Search for a Jewish Musical
Science in Eurasia, Past and Present”
James Loeffler
Columbia University
Guest chair and respondent: Dr. Ludmila Sholokhova
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Friday, September 23, 2005
Hankus Netsky (New England Conservatory of Music)
Title: The Philadelphia Russian Sher Medley: Viewing the Immigrant
Experience through a Musical Text
Respondent: Mark Slobin (Wesleyan University)
Friday, November 4, 2005
Tina Frühauf (CUNY Graduate Center)
Title: Between Church and Synagogue: The Organ in German Jewish
Respondent: Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago)
Friday, November 18, 2005
Walter Zev Feldman (Bar-Ilan University)
Title: The Sephardic Voice in Ottoman Song: The Life and Art of Tanburi
Isak Fresco (1745-1814)
Respondent: Karl Signell (Editor, Ethnomusicology Online)
Friday, December 2, 2005
Francesco Spagnolo (Hebrew University/U.C.-Santa Cruz)
Title: From Rossi to Rossini: Shifting Paradigms in Italian Jewish Musical
Culture co-sponsored by the Centro Culturale Primo Levi as part of the
symposium Humanism and the Rabbinic Tradition in Italy and Beyond
Respondent: David Ruderman (University of Pennsylvania)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tamar Barzel (Wellesley College)
Title: The Tradition Continues on the Lower East Side: Experimental Music
and the American Jewish Imaginary in 1990s New York City
Respondent: Jonathan Freedman (University of Michigan)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Nina Spiegel (National Museum of American Jewish History)
Title: Finding the Rhythm: Dance and Music in Jewish Studies
Respondent: Judah M. Cohen (New York University)
Friday, March 17, 2006
David Schiller (University of Georgia)
Title: Assimilating (Post-Modern) Jewish Music: Ambivalence in
Contemporary Composition
Respondent: Klara Moricz (Amherst College)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Judith Pinnolis (Brandeis University)
Title: Energizing Jewish Musical Memory: Encounters with Sound and Text in
Archives and Libraries
Respondents: Bret Werb (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) and
Gina Genova (New York University / Milken Archive of American Jewish
Friday, April 28, 2006
Shirli Gilbert (University of Michigan)
Title: “‘I am a Jew from eternal nowhere’: Yiddish song in the aftermath of
the Holocaust”
Respondent: Jeremy Dauber (Columbia University)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Evan Rapport (CUNY) and Galeet Dardashti (University of Texas at Austin)
Title: The Migration of Memory: New Contexts for Mizrahi and Bukharian
Musical Poetic Traditions in Israel and the United States
Respondent: Mark Kligman (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute, New
September 15, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
How Do You Play the Musical Scream in Gideon Klein's Terezin Requiem?
Prof. Michael Beckerman, New York University
Respondent: Gershon Kingsley, composer and conductor
October 20, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
Music and Memory among Crypto-Jews in Portuguese Border Villages
Dr. Judith Cohen, York University, Toronto
Respondent: Prof. Jane Gerber, CUNY Graduate Center
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
November 10, 2006 – 10:30AM-12:30PM
Composing Herself: Finding Miriam Gideon in Her 1958 Opera Fortunato
*Lecture Performance and Panel Discussion
Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, CUNY Graduate Center
Panel discussion: Prof. Ellie Hisama, Columbia University, Prof.Bruce Saylor,
CUNY Graduate Center, and Cantor Charles Osborne
December 8, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
Mediterranean Israeli Music: The Politics of Aesthetics
Dr. Amy Horowitz, Ohio State University
Respondent: Prof. Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, New York University
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
February 16, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
Sephardic Music On Record:
A Century of Commercial Ladino Recordings
Prof. Edwin Seroussi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
and Joel Bresler, discographer
Respondent: Dr. Virginia Danielson, Harvard University
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
March 9, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
The Media and the Messenger:
Transforming the Cantor's Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Presented by: Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York University,
and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion at the Center for
Religion and Media, New York University
April 27, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
Blacks and Jews in American Popular Music:
The Business of Cultural Mediation
Prof. Jonathan Karp, SUNY Binghamton
Respondent: Prof. Jonathan Schorsch, Columbia University
May 8, 2007 – 7:30PM-9:30PM
Kurt Weill's Kol Nidre
Lecture and Music Performance
Prof. Tamara Levitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Respondent: Prof. Kim Kowalke, Eastman School of Music , Kurt Weill
Foundation. Co-sponsors: The Weill/Lenya Institute; Milken Archive.
A Program of the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum Committee
Dr. James Loeffler, Founder, and Academic Vice Chair
Dr. Judah M. Cohen, Academic Vice Chair
Dr. Mark Kligman , Academic Chair
Michael Leavitt, President, American Society for Jewish Music
Gina Genova, Executive Director (2006-07)
February 22, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Creating "New" Jewish Sounds
Dr. Josh Kun, University of Southern California Dr.
Judah M. Cohen, Indiana University
Daniel Saks, member of the bands DeLeon and The LeeVees
January 25, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Felix Mendelssohn and the Jewish Question
Dr. Jeffrey Sposato, University of Houston
Respondent: Dr. Michael A. Meyer, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion
November 20, 2007 – 7:00 PM
Yiddish Folksongs from the Ruth Rubin Archive
Chana Mlotek, YIVO Music Archivist
Prof. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
with a performance by Zalmen Mlotek and Eleanor Reissa
November 14, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Beyond the Pale: The Russian Jewish Musical Experiment 100 Years Later
Dr. James Loeffler, University of Virginia
Dr. Klára Móricz, Amherst College
Dr. Lyudmila Sholokhova, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
December 12, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
American Jews, Music and the Memory of the Holocaust: 1945-1962
Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
Respondent: Cantor Bruce Ruben, Hebrew Union College: Jewish Institute
of Religion
January 16, 2009 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Ethel Raim and the Center for Traditional Music and Dance:
Three Decades of Showcasing Jewish Music
With Ethel Raim and Professor Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
co-sponsored by the Working Group on Jews, Media and Religion at NYU
February 26, 2009 – 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
The Jewish Self/The Jewish Other: Performing Identity in the "Majufes"
Dr. Halina Goldberg, Indiana University
co-sponsored by the University of Chicago
April 24, 2009 – 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
"Old Lamps for New": Alexander Krein and Jewish Neonationalism
Dr. Klara Moricz, Amherst College
Respondent: Professor Alexander Rehding, Harvard University
co-sponsored by Harvard University
May 1, 2009 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
The Participating Observer: Fieldwork in Jewish Settings
Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit, Tufts University
Respondent: Dr. Henry Goldschmidt, Wesleyan University
co-sponsored by the Working Group on Jews, Media and Religion at NYU
Sunday, November 8, 2009 - 3:00 P.M.
Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music"
-- A unique interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang
Composer Steve Reich
Composer David Lang
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 7:30 P.M.
Is Israeli Art Music Jewish
Professor Ronit Seter, Jewish Music Research Centre at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Respondent: Dr. Klara Moricz, Amherst College
March, 2010
Events at the Jewish Music Festival in Berkeley
Speakers: TBD
Respondents: TBD
March 5, 2010 - 9:30 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Sacred and Secular Music Texts in Modern Times
Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Dr. Mark Kligman, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
April 2, 2010 - 10:30 PM - 12:00 PM
In a Land Large as an Apple Tree': Wolpe's Avant-Garde Music,
Pedagogy, and Pacifist Zionism in 1930's Palestine
Dr. Brigid Cohen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Respondent: TBD
April 15, 2010 – TIME TBD
Imaginaries of Exile and Emergence in Israeli Jewish and
Palestinian Hip-Hop
Dr. David A. McDonald, Indiana University
Respondent: Dr. Edwin Seroussi, Jewish Music Research Center of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
January 28, 2005
“Memory and History in Jewish Music”
Inaugural Lecture
Professor Kay Kaufman Shelemay
G. Gordon Watts Professor of Music at Harvard University
February 11, 2005
“Studying Jewish Music in Israel: Achievements, Failures and Challenges
for the Future”
Professor Edwin Seroussi
Emanuel Alexandre Professor of Musicology
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Stephen Blum, City University of
New York
March 11, 2005
“Who Will Reclaim the Golden Sounds?: Judaism, Tradition,
and Music Scholarship in an American Context”
Professor Judah M. Cohen
New York University
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
April 8, 2005
“Beyond Yiddishland: New Studies from the
Jewish Musical Mediterranean”
Professor Mark Kligman
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Guest chair and respondent: Professor Uri Sharvit, Bar-Ilan University
May 13, 2005
“Between Wissenschaft and Etnografiia: The Search for a Jewish Musical
Science in Eurasia, Past and Present”
James Loeffler
Columbia University
Guest chair and respondent: Dr. Ludmila Sholokhova
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Friday, September 23, 2005
Hankus Netsky (New England Conservatory of Music)
Title: The Philadelphia Russian Sher Medley: Viewing the Immigrant
Experience through a Musical Text
Respondent: Mark Slobin (Wesleyan University)
Friday, November 4, 2005
Tina Frühauf (CUNY Graduate Center)
Title: Between Church and Synagogue: The Organ in German Jewish
Respondent: Philip Bohlman (University of Chicago)
Friday, November 18, 2005
Walter Zev Feldman (Bar-Ilan University)
Title: The Sephardic Voice in Ottoman Song: The Life and Art of Tanburi
Isak Fresco (1745-1814)
Respondent: Karl Signell (Editor, Ethnomusicology Online)
Friday, December 2, 2005
Francesco Spagnolo (Hebrew University/U.C.-Santa Cruz)
Title: From Rossi to Rossini: Shifting Paradigms in Italian Jewish Musical
Culture co-sponsored by the Centro Culturale Primo Levi as part of the
symposium Humanism and the Rabbinic Tradition in Italy and Beyond
Respondent: David Ruderman (University of Pennsylvania)
Friday, January 20, 2006
Tamar Barzel (Wellesley College)
Title: The Tradition Continues on the Lower East Side: Experimental Music
and the American Jewish Imaginary in 1990s New York City
Respondent: Jonathan Freedman (University of Michigan)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Nina Spiegel (National Museum of American Jewish History)
Title: Finding the Rhythm: Dance and Music in Jewish Studies
Respondent: Judah M. Cohen (New York University)
Friday, March 17, 2006
David Schiller (University of Georgia)
Title: Assimilating (Post-Modern) Jewish Music: Ambivalence in
Contemporary Composition
Respondent: Klara Moricz (Amherst College)
Friday, March 31, 2006
Judith Pinnolis (Brandeis University)
Title: Energizing Jewish Musical Memory: Encounters with Sound and Text in
Archives and Libraries
Respondents: Bret Werb (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) and
Gina Genova (New York University / Milken Archive of American Jewish
Friday, April 28, 2006
Shirli Gilbert (University of Michigan)
Title: “‘I am a Jew from eternal nowhere’: Yiddish song in the aftermath of
the Holocaust”
Respondent: Jeremy Dauber (Columbia University)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Evan Rapport (CUNY) and Galeet Dardashti (University of Texas at Austin)
Title: The Migration of Memory: New Contexts for Mizrahi and Bukharian
Musical Poetic Traditions in Israel and the United States
Respondent: Mark Kligman (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute, New
September 15, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
How Do You Play the Musical Scream in Gideon Klein's Terezin Requiem?
Prof. Michael Beckerman, New York University
Respondent: Gershon Kingsley, composer and conductor
October 20, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
Music and Memory among Crypto-Jews in Portuguese Border Villages
Dr. Judith Cohen, York University, Toronto
Respondent: Prof. Jane Gerber, CUNY Graduate Center
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
November 10, 2006 – 10:30AM-12:30PM
Composing Herself: Finding Miriam Gideon in Her 1958 Opera Fortunato
*Lecture Performance and Panel Discussion
Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, CUNY Graduate Center
Panel discussion: Prof. Ellie Hisama, Columbia University, Prof.Bruce Saylor,
CUNY Graduate Center, and Cantor Charles Osborne
December 8, 2006 – 10:30AM-12PM
Mediterranean Israeli Music: The Politics of Aesthetics
Dr. Amy Horowitz, Ohio State University
Respondent: Prof. Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, New York University
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
February 16, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
Sephardic Music On Record:
A Century of Commercial Ladino Recordings
Prof. Edwin Seroussi, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
and Joel Bresler, discographer
Respondent: Dr. Virginia Danielson, Harvard University
Co-sponsor: American Sephardi Federation
March 9, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
The Media and the Messenger:
Transforming the Cantor's Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Presented by: Dr. Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
Respondents: Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, New York University,
and Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Co-sponsor: Working Group on Jews/Media/Religion at the Center for
Religion and Media, New York University
April 27, 2007 – 10:30AM-12PM
Blacks and Jews in American Popular Music:
The Business of Cultural Mediation
Prof. Jonathan Karp, SUNY Binghamton
Respondent: Prof. Jonathan Schorsch, Columbia University
May 8, 2007 – 7:30PM-9:30PM
Kurt Weill's Kol Nidre
Lecture and Music Performance
Prof. Tamara Levitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Respondent: Prof. Kim Kowalke, Eastman School of Music , Kurt Weill
Foundation. Co-sponsors: The Weill/Lenya Institute; Milken Archive.
A Program of the American Society for Jewish Music
The Jewish Music Forum Committee
Dr. James Loeffler, Founder, and Academic Vice Chair
Dr. Judah M. Cohen, Academic Vice Chair
Dr. Mark Kligman , Academic Chair
Michael Leavitt, President, American Society for Jewish Music
Gina Genova, Executive Director (2006-07)
February 22, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Creating "New" Jewish Sounds
Dr. Josh Kun, University of Southern California Dr.
Judah M. Cohen, Indiana University
Daniel Saks, member of the bands DeLeon and The LeeVees
January 25, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Felix Mendelssohn and the Jewish Question
Dr. Jeffrey Sposato, University of Houston
Respondent: Dr. Michael A. Meyer, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion
November 20, 2007 – 7:00 PM
Yiddish Folksongs from the Ruth Rubin Archive
Chana Mlotek, YIVO Music Archivist
Prof. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
with a performance by Zalmen Mlotek and Eleanor Reissa
November 14, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Beyond the Pale: The Russian Jewish Musical Experiment 100 Years Later
Dr. James Loeffler, University of Virginia
Dr. Klára Móricz, Amherst College
Dr. Lyudmila Sholokhova, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
December 12, 2008 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
American Jews, Music and the Memory of the Holocaust: 1945-1962
Professor Hasia Diner, New York University
Respondent: Cantor Bruce Ruben, Hebrew Union College: Jewish Institute
of Religion
January 16, 2009 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Ethel Raim and the Center for Traditional Music and Dance:
Three Decades of Showcasing Jewish Music
With Ethel Raim and Professor Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
co-sponsored by the Working Group on Jews, Media and Religion at NYU
February 26, 2009 – 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
The Jewish Self/The Jewish Other: Performing Identity in the "Majufes"
Dr. Halina Goldberg, Indiana University
co-sponsored by the University of Chicago
April 24, 2009 – 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
"Old Lamps for New": Alexander Krein and Jewish Neonationalism
Dr. Klara Moricz, Amherst College
Respondent: Professor Alexander Rehding, Harvard University
co-sponsored by Harvard University
May 1, 2009 – 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
The Participating Observer: Fieldwork in Jewish Settings
Rabbi Jeffrey A. Summit, Tufts University
Respondent: Dr. Henry Goldschmidt, Wesleyan University
co-sponsored by the Working Group on Jews, Media and Religion at NYU
Sunday, November 8, 2009 - 3:00 P.M.
Pulitzer Prize-winning Composer Steve Reich Talks about his Jewish Music"
-- A unique interview by fellow Pulitzer Prize-winner David Lang
Composer Steve Reich
Composer David Lang
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 7:30 P.M.
Is Israeli Art Music Jewish
Professor Ronit Seter, Jewish Music Research Centre at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Respondent: Dr. Klara Moricz, Amherst College
March, 2010
Events at the Jewish Music Festival in Berkeley
Speakers: TBD
Respondents: TBD
March 5, 2010 - 9:30 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Sacred and Secular Music Texts in Modern Times
Dr. Mark Slobin, Wesleyan University
Dr. Mark Kligman, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
April 2, 2010 - 10:30 PM - 12:00 PM
In a Land Large as an Apple Tree': Wolpe's Avant-Garde Music,
Pedagogy, and Pacifist Zionism in 1930's Palestine
Dr. Brigid Cohen, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Respondent: TBD
April 15, 2010 – TIME TBD
Imaginaries of Exile and Emergence in Israeli Jewish and
Palestinian Hip-Hop
Dr. David A. McDonald, Indiana University
Respondent: Dr. Edwin Seroussi, Jewish Music Research Center of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2006-07 Brochure
Spring 2005 Brochure
Spring 2005 Brochure